• +86-15995356728
  • jacky@bellkes.com
since 1990

Name: Endless Sanforizing Machine Rubber Blanket/Belt

Category: Sanforizing Rubber Blanket

Sanforizing Machine/ Pre-shirnkage machine Rubber Blanket/ Belt

As one of the professional manufacturers of sanforizing rubber blanket (sanforizing rubber belt) in China, Jiangyin Bell Kes Machinery will supply you prefessional and trustable suggestions.

1. Introduction:

Our this brand Rubber blanket/ belt is 40 years Taiwan Brand. And we apply the Highest quality raw materials on our rubber compund.

The quality can be very near Dunline Brand. It sells well n China and was tested high quality on the market.

Our sanforizing rubber blanket has the following characteristcs of:

(1) Stable shrinkage

(2) Heat aging resistance

(3) Excellent tensile strength and elasticity

(4) High speed performance

(5) Less grinding wastage (0.3-0.5mm)

(6) Anti-alkali property (suitable for the sanforizing after Mercerizing)

(7) Strengthened inside compund

2. Parameters:

The main specifications are:

Inner diameter: 3962mm

Width: 1800-3600mm

Thickness: 67-70mm

 (Above all the sizes can be customized)

Hardness: 39+/-2 JIS A

Working parameter:

Performace / ItemHeavy FabricMedium FabricLight Fabric
Average Production (meters)10 milliom12 million15 million
Average Shrinkage (%)14-17 8-123-6
Average Running Speed (m/min)60-7070-8080-90

Recommended Conditions Heavy FabricMedium FabricLight Fabric
Working Temperature (℃)130-140110-120105-110
Compression (mm)16-1812-146-12
Grinding Frequency (days)8-1010-1215-20

Related Names: Zero rubber belt | Rubber blanket | Rubber Belt | Sanforizing Rubber Blanket | Sanforizing rubber belt | Preshrink rubber blanket | Sanforizing Rubber belt | Zero Rubber blanket | comfit rubber blanket | comfit rubber belt